I hear, I see, I post: Seafood @ Ubin

Seafood @ Ubin

Went to Ubin Island last weekend. The stuffs there are quite cheap compared to the mainland. For a start, van rentals starts from $20 for a group of 4 people. Sounds reasonable.

After some exploring around the reserves, we went for lunch. It’s a outdoor zi-char styled coffeeshop. With breathtaking views of the sea.

Ordered the coconut drinks. Cost $2.50 each.

So, the things we ordered the kia-lang vegetables(not sure on the spelling), cereal prawn, crab and fried sotong.

There isn’t anything fanciful about the vegetables. Just the usual taste. But its not that spicy enough and lacking in the taste aspect.

Cereal prawn. The cereal is not crispy enough. And the way the prawn are fried is quite fantastic. You can taste the freshness of the prawn despite it being fried. Perhaps that’s why the cereal is lacking in taste?

Cereal Prawn

Crab is the nicest food you’ll try. It’s a must-try. Its yummy!!! The gravy tasted excellent too! And it cost $38 per KG. now, that’s a raw deal. The crab is yummy-lickin-licious. The taste of the freshness of the crab…and the tenderness of the meat. Its been said that if the shell of the crab is tough, it meant the crab is delicious. And its true!

Dip the man-tou into the sauce and its fantastic!

The mini sotong is superb! One of the nicest in Singapore if you ask me. The last time I’ve had such quality sotong was when I went to Pioneer Road for their seafood. The taste is exactly akin to the taste at Pioneer Road. Almost the same, but you can still taste the difference. Try it out yourself to fully comprehend what its all about!

Nice ambience, with the breeze and all. Definitely a must try!!!

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