I hear, I see, I post: A post without proper planning-Part 1

A post without proper planning-Part 1

Its been 24 post since Yummy-Lickin-Licious was set-up. To be serious, it was planned to be a foodie guide to great food. However, over numerous posts, it might contain to yummy-treats for the soul as well, and to the eyes. Just like how I panned out this post. Everything wasn't planned well in the beginning. Life journey's akin to a train journey. A board game, about trains. Ticket to Ride to be exact. Whereby, without the journey cards and the correct colour, you'll never be able to continue on the journey.

The journey right now might not be in your way. It might have its ups and downs, with the various obstacles, with people blocking your tracks. But once when you build a station, you'll be able to bypass them efficiently, with just a colour card. And the best thing about the journey is not that you'll complete it. Because, you might not even have a chance to complete it. But you'll be able to participate in it. And that's the joys of life journey. To be part of it.

Along the way of being part of the journey, where you'll know that there are other people vying with you to reach the same destinations, tracks. Along the way, being part of the journey. Experience the experience. Live the experience. Past through the time. And wheeze thru the end. The journey might end before you have complete one. But you'll be able to have as many journey tickets as you one. You are entitled to have a lot of journeys to choose from. You could aim for one, two or many, and not completing a single one at all. The most important aspect is for you to at least start on the journey somewhere. Be it the middle, the ending or just any random spot. Just make your move for this journey.

And talking about journey, it's been great to meet co-worker. I've not kept contact with him since March and there's no way I'm going to indulge his name. Common name anyway. The first child of Adam and Eve. Yup. He's "unfocused" in life. I understand that one ought not judge a person no matter how chummy we are with the person. Its just plain rude. But I'm not judging, I'm observing him and making my own stand. He's almost in his mid-twenties. Managed to excel in school, since he managed to sit for his A-levels. And if I'm not wrong, he obtained relatively good grades for his A-levels. But not good enough for a place in university which offer a course he prefers. After his A-levels, he enlist to the Army and since then, had been working part-time, while continuing his studies at a private university. So he's like after his stint at the Army, he worked for 2 years? And managed to save enough money to enroll for a private university. And hopefully he will have a degree at his first attempt.

And right now, till the point we lost touch, he's still working part-time while studying during evening. A normal middle-class family background like most of the people here, but bounded by the yet so different circumstances. A proper pair of parents, living in a 3/4 roomed HDB flat, sharing a room with a younger brother, and with grandparents staying with them. Bounded by the norm, he ought to enroll at any course he is eligible at the first chance. His parents might be able to afford the tuition fees. However, he knew for himself that even if he managed to breeze through the course he's eligible for, he would not enjoy it. And so, why would he torture himself. It's glad to know he had his life charted out somewhat. But its abit too late. But then again, the journey of life is not for one to complete it, but at least to make a move, including bypasses and detours. The journey had been charted out for you, but you have to be part of it. Its no use having a place in university, but not attending lessons at all. Agree?

This person had really got me thinking. If I want to end up like him. Thank god I managed to obtain a decent grade to enroll at one of the better course I had want to do. It is pointless to have a degree in engineering where your passion is in law or mass media. It would be weird and life would be less ful-filling, though the pay and prospect might be better. And so, I know what I want and strive to achieve it. Plan the journeys I want, and be part of it. But I know I might not complete it, but I would have a sense of accomplishment if I know I'm part of it and that I had tried it. And I need not try to complete it, but just be in it for all of my journey.

And of course, there isn't any room for regrets at the end, because at one point, that decision you had made is what you had really wanted. Have a good boxing day!

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