I hear, I see, I post: December


My life isn’t that boring after all. Except on Monday. And I’m meeting people for food outings throughout the rest of the week. Meeting Hilary and her friend tomorrow, a mini gathering with ex-classmates on Thursday, 1-caramel with Denise on 29, Carousel on 30 with the awesome clique and Lunch buffet with Hilary and her boyfriend on New Year’s Eve.

I do not know how I’ll get by this 2 weeks. And not forgetting another gathering on Christmas Eve with Thomas, Alicia and Tim at Bryan’s awesome and wonderful Orchard Road condominium. Alright, it’s near Orchard Rd, but whatever.

This, coupled with the fact that Randal is going to pass me my stuffs from a SQ plane makes this Christmas all the more merrier. And did I mentioned that I’m meeting strangers whom I’ve never met before tomorrow?

Forget about the social awkwardness. Since everyone is to try nice food…and in the process of it, turning into a glutton. And its always to meet someone new. The food we’re going to try is Prawn Noodle at Potong Pasir. Near to the Jackson (now closed). And nearby, there’s a delicious stall selling 5 spices.

Yup. And tomorrow’s 凍結 which meant its time to eat “tang-yuan”. And also a time to pay respect to your late grandmother. So, if you are wondering where to buy the roast-chicken from for the offerings, fear not. You can buy them from Ubi. There’s this shop selling delicious roast duck/pork/chicken at a reasonable price. Otherwise, it’s always safe to try “Dian Xiao-er”

Now, I wonder where am I going to afford all that. Perhaps an advancement of my allowance?

A great news!!! My mom’s stock from One Chance is paying dividends!!! At 30cents per share. So, if she have a few hundreds shares, she will be receiving at least four hundred dollars. F-O-U-R-H-U-N-D-R-E-D dollars. Its a lot, and important to tide the family expenses over this tide time because CNY is going to be hear soon and with a eight and a half thousand dollars per month income the family is receiving, it’s just not enough. With the electricity bill, car expenses, food, air-con installment and many more. Monetary woes are the worst. And after paying all the installments (that’s like in June), my mom had decided to buy a coffee machine. Finally!!!

She broke the only coffee-machine in the house. Anyway, its an antique. Isn’t it? Its even older than me. An old model of BOSCH coffee machine. It’s made in West Germany FYI. And the products in the 80s are so much better than that now. If only the appliances now are the same.

So now, I’m doing research on which coffee machine to buy. Being a poor middle class family, our budget is capped at $550. Nothing more than that, else it’s considered too expensive. So, is Starbucks coffee machine still within our range? Hope so.

All I want is a digital type with a compartment to store the coffee beans that’s from Brazil. Fair-trade types. And maybe a compartment to store the cups and the milk??? I’m not sure of how a coffee-machine works, but I know it must have a device to release foam or something. I sounded like an idiot. I would love to have one of the coffee-machine you find at the BK stores. Looks nice and the espresso sundae tasted quite OK.

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