I hear, I see, I post: 2010 Christmas- Joy, laughter and tears

2010 Christmas- Joy, laughter and tears

2010 had truly been a quick year. It felt it was just yesterday when its new year's day. And time flies real quick when 2010 had been relatively a slack year. It's the year without any major national examinations, and the mid-term papers are relatively easy to pass. None of the dramatic hectic schedule that I had in 2009.

2010, a year where I met awesome people. People who are way out of the world. And as usual, there's this few people whom you've met in the year that you are most grateful for. For without them, 2010 would not be the same without them. They might just be passer-by, but the impact is magnificent.

Christmas had been a joy this year. With a small-scale gathering among a few friends for the countdown, and not hitting the cinema. Christmas gifts exchanges was the most crumble some. Its because among our small group of 5 people, 2 are an item. And it's the first Christmas eve that they are together. It's a real honour to be with them. And its because of them that we started to fight. It's a gift exchange and we've decided that Tim couldn't choose Alicia's presents and vice versa. Otherwise it'll not be fun. However, Tim disagree and suggested we do the exchanges by picking lots. And that's when we started fighting and shouting about stuffs. Its amazing on how we can argue from such a trivia matters to Tim shouting at me and Evan for disturbing his and Alicia date. And that's the final straw, when Alicia sulk and decided to ignore Tim.

Tim: Hey, you always crash on our date and I did not even say a single thing!

Bryan: We plan all the dates in advance, and you and Alicia did not comment or anything

Me: Shut it!!!

Alicia: Tim, just stop it.

And that's not all. It even dragged on from "crashing of dates" to how Alicia and Tim did not make time for us, and how Alicia always doge in paying for the meals. And how Alicia used to pay for their dates. And how Alicia had been treating everyone. It's the worst argument one can have on Christmas Eve. And everyone was so angry that Bryan threw the present on the ground!!! Everyone was shocked, including Bryan himself. That's when the atmosphere become less chaotic. Thank goodness we're in Bryan's house. Else everyone would be staring at us shouting and screaming and nudging each other.

And that's when everyone started to cool down and we've decided to go by Tim's wishes. As always, we listen to Tim…perpetually. Although Tim sounded easy going, by saying anything. But is not anything. And I drew a present from Alicia. We had agreed to just tag the presents in a black garbage bag and draw lots to see who picked the presents first. Bryan goes first and received a pair of gloves from Tim. I went second and received a Parker Pen from Alicia and Alicia received a unisex SWATCH from Bryan. So Tim received a Ferrari die-cast from me. And I did not see what the fuss is all about.

We reached Bryan's house at around 8pm, argue for 30 minutes and started to change the presents. By 9.30pm we started to eat the roast turkey and the log cake. Thereafter, we took out Bryan's newly bought "Ticket to ride". It's a nice game to play.

And at around 11pm, we headed outside and took a stroll to Orchard Rd, since it's a short stroll.

Walked and hang-around. Orchard Rd was sooooo crowded. And after a while, decided to head back to Bryan.

And reached Bryan's. Pop the mocktail and all the weird drinks out.

Blue coral, Vodka and much more tequila shot and rainbow concoction. Champagne from 2007 and tons more. And Italian soda. Its amazing how Bryan managed to mixed all the drinks, with or without alcohol.


Christmas was a fun-filled day too.

Taboo and everything and anything

Christmas 2010 was fun, with a follow up on resolutions made in 2009.

Did not managed to accomplish a single resolution. Because I've not had a new year resolution back then.

Cheers everyone and have another awesome new year ahead!!!!


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