I hear, I see, I post: A post I promised to you to blog about

A post I promised to you to blog about

Ok, I had finally found the time to just describe whatever had happened on Monday. About how 2 freaks were sitting next to me, chatting about weird stuffs. I was with my "family" having our lunch when this 2 people walked in. They looked like they are in their teens. And one of them was carrying a DSLR. A canon EOS! How I wanted that so badly! Anyway, did I add in that I'm at a middle-class styled restaurant.

Alright, so when they walked in, I presume them to be just another random customer. Little did I know they were freaks! And I knew the first sign when the one with the DSLR said "We must strategize first…we'll wait for about 10 minutes before placing our order." Then they discuss about what they wanted to eat. Since there's a free side with every purchase of a main course, they took an even longer time to plan.

DSLR: So which side you one

The other guy: Fried?

D: are you serious?!?!?! Its like the cheapest!!! Why not change it to dessert?

T: Its alright.

And as usual, trying to take the full advantage of the freebies, by ordering the most expensive free stuffs. Well, since they had paid good money for their meals. $14 plus for a main course, which comes with a free $8 plus sides. So in the end, they just sit there for 20 minutes talking about the menu. Just a freaking menu for 20 wholesome minutes. The DSLR was like talking about how he did not want Fish and Chips and tried to discourage his friend from not taking Fries as a side since a) It's the Cheapest and 2) There's fries in Fish and Chips. Never mind. Since his friend is allergic to seafood.

DSLR sure is indecisive about ordering his food, since he kept commenting on not wanting pasta, fish and chips, and almost everything.

That was not all. DSLR was quite fun to observe. They ordered his friend's order, with a drink which cost $1 (and as usual, one of the most expensive drink). And he wanted a special order, to change the ice-cream flavor. Sadly to say, it was not allowed since its all blended nicely together. Oh well, think of the disappointed look on his face.

And then, his friend started to pass him something. A SQ plane if I'm not wrong. And DSLR was like "Woah…so small and light" and then they talk about the plane.

Later, DSLR proceed to order Breaded Chicken with Fried shrimps as his side(the most expensive, costing $9 plus). And if that's not all, they continue to bitch about the service staff. About how no one's taking their order for 10 minutes and how one service staff response to his question. It goes something like this:

D: Excuse me, may I add on to my order please?

Staff: Wait arh….(and she ran off)

D: So rude, if you are not able to take our order, at least say I'll call my colleague to serve you or something.

On a side note, at the restaurant, the staffs wearing white polo tees are not able to take your orders. Only the ones wearing red collar shirt are able to place your orders. And no, DSLR is not bitching about how the staff(wearing white) is reluctant to place his order, but just her response. But we must give DSLR full credit since he is quite understanding about how the system worked. But the place is quite crowded for lunch and so, I don't blame either.

So, DSLR ordered his meal.

And after that, they started to talk about how his friend who just went to Australia for a study trip. And how the friend faked sick so as to not perform the skit and presentation. And then DSLR started to talk about how, in doing projects, everything must be in Black and White so as to evade all errors. Seemed like they are taking projects too seriously, and are so afraid of being the scapegoat. And how leaders are the first in line to receive the scolding from the tutors for any thing bad to happen. And thus, he evaded being the leader. Smart choice, I must admit.

And somehow, their subject changed to the bible. About how DSLR believed in the "Big Bang theory"…and they goes on to say that if god created them, why you pale in comparison with other creations of god? Like mountain tops, sunset and much more. And if god does exist, why does he allows motorway crashes and the likes to happen. And how DSLR love to contradict by saying, in the bible, there is something about "balance", about how we must have the bad stuff for the good stuff. Something like a trade off.

And they went on to talk about how on FB, a friend of theirs kept posting quotes from the bible and almost each and every status updates will have god/lord/him/father…..

And on that day, that FB friend said that she had a nightmare. And they went on to say something like "Did she not dreamed about god???" quite a sarcastic remark to their FB friend.

And they went on about how DSLR friend commented "Jesus love you" and such stuffs to his SMS greetings…his friend started to say that that is the reason why he did not post such Xmas greetings. And they had a joke made out with "Jesus Loves You"…it is very and extremely politically incorrect. Their debate about such things are so full of political incorrectness. And the joke is:

D: But I'm so sorry, I'm not gay

Friend: lol

Its like how jesus love everyone and since jesus is a guy, and DSLR is a guy, that must make them gay.

Thank goodness, by then, their food had arrived. This ought to shut their mouth for a while.

And they talked about their science teacher, how DSLR knew almost each and every teacher addresses. And how he's going to spring a surprise by posting a New Year card to them. Woah, such a great student.

And they bitch about their physics teacher and his qualifications and lame jokes. Like how you'll die if you jumped from UOB tower whilst in mid-air, due to terminal velocity. And they continued throughout what degree their teacher had. And somehow, the subject changed to sub-particles molecules. And how anti-metals are so weird, with protons being negatively charged…it is so freaky. Such a freaky conversation which makes me goes."erm…."

And the last straw was with DSLR asking…I don't care about this and I don't wish to know. Because telling me this is akin to me telling you that if a company proposed dividends, we must debit interim dividends and credit dividends payable. And since dividends are proposed, they must be paid up in full within the next balance sheet financial year, thus is a liability that the company is having, thus is of a credit nature.


And that's when I leave the place.

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