I hear, I see, I post
My life is so bored now, with the 2 weeks break. No one is making time for me, except only for that one friend of mine. What a sad and pathetic sob am I. Its alright, since I’ve planned to dine at a lot of places. Looks like its not that possible anymore. Its like who on Earth in his right sense of mind would dine at a mid-range cafĂ© at ION Orchard alone. A-L-O-N-E??? if its Starbucks or TCC its alright. And definitely its not.

Alright, the mid-term papers or mid semester test(MST) is a bore. What we learnt right now might not be even useful when we graduate. Like we’ll need to distinguish between a Poisson Table to Binominal Table or sorts? Yup, I used the incorrect table. Expected.

So, to distress over such a stupid paper, which cost me almost 10 marks, I and a friend went for a yummy buffet. And that’s not even the original plan.

The original plan was to head over to 8Q SAM to dine at Standing Sushi Bar (served some nice sushi at affordable prices) and later head towards to the museum. And so, when we board the bus, entered into a little conversation, and digressed to Carlton. My sister went there last week for the kids high tea which cost $38 and she thought its half-priced for those under 18 years-old. MISTAKEN. A boo-hoo.

Somehow, but I don’t know how, why we decided to head to Global Kitchen at Pan-Pacific. And not Standing Sushi Bar. And on the way to Carlton, we spotted some guys decked in Standing Sushi Bar black-coloured shirt. Nice design and print and I’ll buy 1 if you are selling it.

So, it’s a short 10-odd minutes walk. (we are fast walkers) to Pan-Pacific.
And so we ate at Pan-Pacific.

End of Story, and coincidently, I’m using an EOS 550D. No link…whatever.
And I’ve 2 likes on FB. I know one of them is me, but who's the other??? Please reveal yourself. Thank you. Love you and god bless you.

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