I hear, I see, I post: Here’s to a New 2011

Here’s to a New 2011

New Year's approaching real soon in less than 5 days. And the annual tradition of listing your New Year's resolution shall commence. But the thing is that I do not know what are my resolutions. So I might give a shot here.

  1. Save enough money for a dream holiday

    Currently, I'm short of tons of money to go on a dream holiday. Which holiday deserves to cost a bomb? Mine own stupid holiday! People who have heard of this proclaimed that I'm too free to be even planning such a holiday. Alright, here goes:

    From Singapore, take a cruise to Hong Kong. This cruise trip would already cost at least SGD$8000 with the taxes for 1 person. And from Hong Kong, stay there for 1 week, and explore nearby Macau as well. And from Hong Kong, hopped onto a Queen Mary or Princess to Dubai. From Dubai, take another cruise to Europe via the Suez Canal. And then, backpack about south Europe. And head to Finland, and finally, take a cruise from Finland/Sweden to the UK. Explore UK and take a cruise to New York. That's what I called a dream holiday. And of course, you need to be bloody rich.

    Taking the expenses…say I save $50 per month

    3 yrs * 12 *50 = $1800 (saving from allowance)

    2yrs * 12* 800=$19200 (NS pay)

    ======At aged 25/26=========

    2yrs *15*1500=$45000 (After graduating from University…2 yrs with 15 month and starting pay of $1.5k per month)

    3yrs*15*2500=$75000 (Pay rise after 2 yrs hopefully!!!...to $2.5k per mth)

    ======At aged 30===========

    3yrs*15*3000=$135000 (Pay rise after working for 5 years to $3k per month)


    Total amount of money earned from aged 17 till aged 33-35….amounted to $276000

    And take it that I spend 40% of the money, so I'll be left with $165600

    And save only 80% of the money, so in my savings account will have $$132480


    Is that enough for the dream holiday? NO!!!!!!!! backpacking round Europe is quite a small sum, at a cost of say $35k? So no worries about that. And for the cruise between UK and New York, cost about US$2.5k for a decent balcony cabin. And its Cunard. 8 days from Southampton to New York. Sounded like a good deal isn't it?


  2. To not be so bad to others

    I'm literally quite a bad person. I love to take advantage of the situations to my own advantage. Like how I mistreat some of my friends…and misled them into giving me a treat. I also love it on how I call people to reserve a seat for me and my friends, before calling him to scram off. Since he's in the vicinity. Its kind of a typical human nature, so, no choice. But then, having seen numerous ugly human nature, I swear to not emulate them. Its bad for everyone. And in the end of the day, you might be in the losing end when people knew what you really are and what you stand for.

    I'm also quite sarcastic to other people and especially my friends. That's known as bitching as well….


  3. To bitch about others less

    Its not a crime to bitch isn't it? At least we do not make up tales of the person, we're just saying our 2 cents opinion about the person among ourself. And if that bothers you that much, we're not sorry and unapologetic at all. What you can do? Bitch back or sit in a corner and cry. It was just a few days ago that I had a meet-up with some people. And it's the Christmas period. And how we bitch about other people. Still remember the joke on one individual who like to act as though he's so high class and much better than other people….a kind of snob. And Alicia was like, If he's so high class, why does he still have a girlfriend who is staying in a HDB…come on, he is staying in just a small pathetic condominium at Bukit Gombak. I bet you that her HDB at Punggol cost much more lor. And what??? He is going to Europe in mid-July next year? Alright….just go and hope that he don't break up with his girlfriend in the end

    The art of bitching is a unique art. So unique to others. And the best part is to bitch about the person in front of him without him knowing we are all bitching about him.


  4. As usual, to obtain better grades

    My grades are going downhill…..and now, I freaking want a GPA of at lest 3.0 by the end of the term!!!!! It's a FREAKING MUST!!!


  5. Make friends, not fight

    I always have a tendency to fight with a lot of people, or give them the dao look. And so, I'm so friggin surprised at myself that I did not really fight verbally with my classmates. And this makes me kinda uneasy with myself. And its not like the past where not a single day will get by without me getting into a scream/quarrel/fight/abuse with other people…like throwing markers/dusters/pens/paper/newspaper and everything. Even I had fought with the most patient guy in the class. What more could you say??? Maybe I had changed for the better? Hope not :D


So, here's my new year resolution for 2011. What's yours? Make a list and compare it with your past. If it is kind of repetitive, you know you are in the wrong track. So long! :D

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