I hear, I see, I post: When you fractured your leg…

When you fractured your leg…

A friend of mine had fractured his leg. This morning while cycling at East Coast. Obviously, he must be ogling at women in short FBT shorts wearing sports bra. Okies, its just a joke I made out of it. But it is true he injured and fractured his leg, while cycling. I received the news at 10 plus in the morning. And I'm suppose to meet someone in the afternoon for lunch.

And so, I called Tim and consulted him. Well, Tim was working and did not see it a utmost priority to visit our poor old friend (Aloysius, whom we called Loy for fun). And anyway, I'm not prepared to visit him. Its like if I am to visit him straight away, I'll have nothing, and that'll be embarrassing. And not forgetting, rude. Plus, I'm meeting 2 friends for lunch. At first, smsed them to cancel the lunch appointment, but then decided to visit Loy in the evening, boy, is Loy rich! Fancy him staying at a class B ward at Mount E! and how on earth could Tim mixed up Mount. E with Mount A?

Thus, proceeded on with the original lunch plan with 2 awesome friend, Joyce and Michelle. Intended to call over the rest, but they are not free. And somehow it seemed funny and awkward. With a rather tense atmosphere. Its more on the 2 of them talking. Having small talk with courteous and stuffs. We do hardly knew each other and it's the first time we are having lunch outside school. But its quite fun too. Especially with the shopping! A 4 inch high heels cost just slightly less than $40! What a steal!

I'm not remorseful, Loy, for not rushing to see you. Tim got his 'work', and need to accompany his girlfriend's sister. A complete nice and sweet girl if you ask me. Who will go all out to help anyone. And no, he's not dating her, but they look more like a couple together. We will always have friends who looked more like a couple when they are actually not. So its perfectly understandable. Life will always make the fool of us. the lunch meeting was planed ages ago(2 weeks?) and decided to go to a swanky buffet place. But then Michelle is overaged, thus is not eligible for certain privilege. And so, we head to PoMo…where there is this uber cheap Japanese Buffet. It cost less than $20 for students, and with an additional 15% discount for passion card members, the bill comes to $44.80 for just 3 person. So its just $15 odd per head. A real deal!

So what are the hits and misses?

  1. Cheese cakes

    Is of decent quality. The expected taste that you would expect. Not too rich nor creamy. The texture is also just being anticipated. Nice, and a real hit if you take into account the price you pay. But for the quality at the price of say, $5, its not just worth it.

  2. Sushi

    Being a Japanese restaurant, where sushi is the thing that is commonly associated with. It is thus of utmost importance that the sushi taste good. And it did not failed me. And the wasabi is of a decent quality too. Not too diluted

  3. Ice cream

    Not very nice…you know you're literally having ice with a tinge of taste.

  4. Chocolate fondue

    Chocolate is not too rich and not too sweet. With a wide selections of fruits and such. Quite worthy, if you ask me. If you do not fancy chocolate, this is just right for you.

  5. BBQ meat Skewer

    Tasted slightly burnt and so is abit tasteless. If they marinate the meat slightly better, it would be perfect. And they wrapped the meat over an egg! That's interesting

  6. Juices

    All the juice is nice!!! Especially the cranberry juice! And the green tea!


the above are just some of the many many food that can be found at the restaurant. Its buffet styled, eat all you can. Had not tried all, and I think the steamboat is nice. Nice ambience too, with great service, taking into consideration that it is quite crowded.



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