I hear, I see, I post: New Year's Eve-Part 1

New Year's Eve-Part 1

2010 zoomed pass real fast. It's like yesterday when its the third of Jan, or CNY, or first day of the term, or the day I met Bryan after like 2 years. 2010 seemed to be the only year I remembered fondly, where i can roughly gague where i had been and the not so major turning point. Maybe its due to me leading a boring life. But New Year's eve is certainly a day which is well, the last day of the year.

I certainly not want to lie to myself that 2011 is gonna be better than 2010. But the year is just a digit, and the journey must still continue. Its alright to just participate in it, and not complete it.

Back to New Year's eve, went to this restaurant at Raffles City for afternoon-tea cum dinner. Quite a nice place, with the desserts being the nicest. And the skewers! Have a great 2011 everyone! :D

Frankly speaking, one might be forgiven if you think they are drunk
How sweet........
The journey is endless. and in all darkness, into the uncertainty
Everyone's holding hands except for me :(
Sweets!!! Looked nice but tasted otherwise! But truly, lived to the reputation of a sweet!
Caramel sauce with cake with ice-cream with whipped cream desserts!!! Taken by XY
Taken by me.

The one taken by XY looks nicer than mine...:(

The Skewers
Looking yummy!
It really is nice and delicious! $10 plus for a plate

Chicken something...
Looks good!

XY's presents from me :)
That's his presents....guess what's in that bag?

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