I hear, I see, I post: You are so sweet that if I cut you…you’ll bleed syrup

You are so sweet that if I cut you…you’ll bleed syrup

Let just start with the title. How can this sound so cheesy?!?!?! In a certain context, perhaps. Let just move on.
The weird day. On a Friday.

It all started in the morning when Randal called me before Accounting if I’m heading to town area in the afternoon. And I might be. I think he wanted to pass me the ticket (theres another story behind it). And somehow, like if I’m heading to town, he might meet me to pass the ticket.

After accounting, I called him again. He told me he’s with his friends. I jokingly asked him if I could join them. I did not knew any of them. And in the end, I joined him and his friends. Felt so weird in a way. Weird in the sense of good weird. I think I joined it’s because they said they don’t mind.

Maybe because I was so bored that I asked to join. It was like I had the whole afternoon to while away. And so, we went to Tony Roma for lunch! Nice ambience. Been to Tony Roma 2 years ago. Their honey baby back ribs isn’t that nice 2 years ago. And now, the quality had dropped. AGAIN. I do not know others, but I had tried better honey baby back ribs. Well, not in Singapore of course. But the taste in Singapore is weird. Somehow, the sauce is over-powering. Maybe it’s me… But the pricing is reasonable. For 3 large plates of assorted meats, the bill came to about $140…which comes to $20 per person. There is a total 7 of us there.

Think I shall stop here. So just tag along with them to MBS…and broke off there. I headed to Eskimo!!! That’s like my second time in the year. And 2 days in a row. Ordered the 烏龍奶蓋 with small pearls, with 50% sugar. Somehow, for the 奶蓋range, Gong Cha wins hands down. Why? Because for Gong Cha, the milk foam tasted much nicer and unique, compared to Eskimo. And the presentation of the drink are the same! They sprinkled the green thingy, which makes the milk foam having the taste of green tea. For Gong Cha, the foam had a more butter taste and is quite salty. For Eskimo, it is more of the sweet side with a creamy milk taste. If again, we could combine both aspect together, with a creamy, buttery milky taste. And that would be perfect wouldn’t it be? Pictures below.

Baby Back Ribs
Ribs from Tony Roma
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