I hear, I see, I post: Food for thought: What I’m looking forward to today? And how one ought to approach work, my way

Food for thought: What I’m looking forward to today? And how one ought to approach work, my way

Seriously, I have not a single idea. I'm not going to look for Loy, and I think today is one of those technical days. Where there is nothing really interesting you are looking forward too. Instead, it is a relatively stressful day today, with projects consultations, which by the way, is so difficult. But somehow I managed to complete it subconsciously. Perhaps I'm quite lay-back now? Not forgetting I'm suppose to post a foodie post later(if I'm feeling like it) and to copy accounting notes from Hilary and that's all. Life is getting boring by the day.

If you had not listed out your new year's resolution, why not follow mine? It goes:

  1. To leave work at the end of the day

    And that meant, to knock off on the dot, or sometimes earlier if your bosses are out for meeting. Everyone would love to leave their workplace on time, or sometimes earlier. Just do not be too extreme. Make it a goal to stop thinking about work by 5pm. Even though there is this important meeting the very next day at 10am and you had not even finish proof-reading the reports and slides. Everyone ought to prioritize. Since you are paid to just exhaust your brain for that 8 hours for such lousy pay, why not just work for that 8 hours? The company wouldn't care if you had worked past midnight just to prepare for the meeting the next day. And you cant claim OT. I know what I'm saying is bad for your career, but sometimes, you just need to ask yourself, "WHY AM I WORKING SO HARD FOR THE COMPANY?" it's not yours anyway right? A friend of mine is working as a QS(quantity surveyor). But she always received work which is out of her job scope, as well as her ongoing QS projects. And working 8 hours a day is not even enough for her to finish her QS projects. How on earth do you expect her to finish all her work? So, if the work do not involve your job scope, push it to someone else who is paid to do it. Because once you question yourself why you are working your ass off for the company, and the company do not give a single shit, why would you bother…and sooner or later you'll quit.


  2. To accept money immediately

    Like after winning the sweepstakes claim the winning money immediately. Do not wait till the last minute. Because you'll not know what might happen to the winning ticket. The same goes for cashing all cheques.


  3. Do not like your job

    Everyone are trying to find good perfect reasons to love their job. So as they will continue to stay on. Be it their colleagues and everything. I do not know for you, but all I know is that, for every reason you love your job, there will be additional reasons for you to loathe your job in the future. So, do not think too much about your coordinal relation with your bosses and co-workers. Just do your job, primp and proper. Love your colleagues, but not to the extend where you are staying on the job because of them. You can't be married to your job. But of course, do not loathe your job. Just try to not think too much about your job. Finish it, at 5pm, pack up and leave. One ought not talk shop at the end of the office hours. Be it with the manager or co-workers. Switch off the e-mail and everything. That includes not checking office e-mails and voicemail. You had devoted 8 hours a day to your job, what more does the company expect of you???



Its of little wonder how is the economy going to improve if everyone follows the above resolutions. But one ought not prioritize to such an extend where your job is on top, followed by yourself or friends. Your career ought not come first, if you ask me. It should be after your friends and families, yourself and finally Job. And I'm not kidding here. Alright, enjoy your work! Have a great 2011…a year where there meetings awaits for you. And to you, start preparing for that important meeting now!!! Its of no wonder why you need to work OT at home at midnight where you are surfing the net or doing things out of your job scope in the day.

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