I hear, I see, I post: Now, I’m going to teach you how to write an essay for your GP

Now, I’m going to teach you how to write an essay for your GP

Distinction is not guarantee.


A GP essay is unlike any other essays. You need to have an introductory paragraph and a final conclusion, where you shall make your stand known. The stand must be consistent throughout. So if you agree or feel strongly and passionately on a topic, stick to it, suckers. Do not agree and then disagree. You shall confuse your reader and contradict yourself. And in the meanwhile, make yoourself sound like a fool. You wouldn't want to be the next Sarah Palin, don't you?


I'm going to spread this guide out in a few post, so keep a constant lookout for it. 


So, now we are going to write an essay on say…Racism.


First thing first, how are you, as the writer, going to relate to the topic? Are you going to support it or not? You could relate it to the times of Hitler, on how he excoriated the jews. Or how in the 1950s, in the USA, black and white people ought not mixed. No matter which scenario you chose, please do not talk about both incidents. For this will prove that you have not a single idea what you are going to write, and will confuse the reader. Once the reader is confused, your marks will plummet. I'm not joking here. Leave the nonsense and what nots at home.


The best is to just stick to an incident where everyone could relate to. Say for racism, one could write on how the one group of people in Singapore make racist jokes about another group of people within the community. I shall not deluge into the example, for fear of incompliance with the stringency of the Law of Singapore. If I give examples, I would be putting ideas into your head. And I would be encouraging people to be racist, and thus, racists people in Singapore would increase, thus indirectly, I'm promoting social and religious disharmony. Which is a serious breach of the law of Singapore. Also, I want this blog to sound as politically correct and sane as possible. 


Since both the writer and the reader have a shared experience, one would easily expect both to be able to further relate into the topic. And since you as the writer is comfortable with the situation you are going to write about, you would not need to spend much more time thinking about ideas. For the words will just come to you. 


I shall continue with this guide tomorrow or Saturday, provided I have the time. I need to take a rain check. 

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