I hear, I see, I post: Dear Mcdonalds

Dear Mcdonalds

You can't make me have a craving for your burgers whenever one of your superficial commercial is on. I mean, it is all so fake and misleading. That Mcdonalds is so healthy??? Hello???? Healthy? Mc Dippers with caramel sauce. Filet O Fish with the fattening mayo. Big Mac with the numerous circular beef patty. And MEGA? It just gives me the cringe.

And your coffee is just so not nice either. I still prefer Starbucks then McCafe. So, I won't fall into your pathetic pitfall of advertising by seeing your commercials. And whenever I'm looking at one of your commercials, I will sync myself to Supersized me and how disgusting Mcdonalds is.

But to give all due credit, your Happy Meal is the ultimate. I love the toy. And thats it. Transfats and all the oily stuff. YUCKS!

Fresh vegetables and lettuces? Perhaps, if you think fresh meant having some black spot on the vegetable. And crunchy? Its soggy, for Pete's sake. I'm so not going to have a Mcdonald meal anytime. In the near future that is. Period.

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