I hear, I see, I post: Instead of finishing the tutorials and projects....

Instead of finishing the tutorials and projects....

I watched Episodes, a new sitcom featuring Matt LeBlanc. He's Joey from FRIENDS. Episodes is about a couple from the UK moving to LA to reproduce a smashing hit show known as Lynn Boys. It is such a nice show!!! And Matt LeBlanc had aged. His hair looked nice though. And he is ever so charming. And everything is so perfect. I'm a fan of FRIENDS, so basically love anything with them.
Episodes is produced in the US for the US audience. And it is produced by BBC! Currently broadcast by Showtimes and BBC 2. It's a nice show. With 7 parts, and the first 2 are already aired. And you couldn't fault with UK comedy right? I meant it is so much better than US comedy. A grouse though...the American Accent. FREAK THE BLOODY ACCENT!!!

A short quote from Episodes, episode two...

"Open the mother fucking, bloody basterd, pain in the ass, dick cheese stinking, dirty shitty wanking, fucking bloody fucking basterd fucking stupid cunt of a fucking gate."

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