I hear, I see, I post: The day where it’s a Friday

The day where it’s a Friday

Friday, the last day of the working and schooling week for the majority of us. A day to unwind after a long week. A day we look forward to, after Saturdays and Sundays.

I chanced upon Gong Cha at Plaza Singapura! So at DB, you’ll have Gong Cha and Eskimo(at DB exchange). And it is my 4th time having Gong Cha! The first was at HONG KONG, where I had their milk tea. It’s heavenly, though I had not tried their milk tea in Singapore yet. Also ordered the Roasted Lemon Melon Honey or something. The name is quite a mouthful to utter, because when I ordered, I ask if they have the roasted honey tea, they don’t get me. So I had to call a friend to ask what is the exact name. and I had to queue again to buy the tea. Again, maybe it is because of my illness, I felt that the tea is not that nice. Felt I wasted money there because I cant fully savour the taste of Gong Cha. Haiz.

Lemon Roasted Melon Tea

Went to have the prawn noodle at lavender. It is nice. The stall owner is like so friendly. I ordered the food and I asked him which is nicer, the soup-based or the dry one. He then asked me, do you like to eat chili. I replied negative. So he said, have the soup one, it would be nicer. And it is nice. Despite me having a flu, block nose and sore throat. And so, under such circumstances and I think it is delicious, it meant the food is ultra nice. But then, I hope the prawn de-shelled for me. Call me picky, but I think they could help de-shell the prawn before serving right? And the shell…can be used to cook the stock of the soup. And the taste might be even sweeter. By all accounts, I’m going to patronise them again, when I’m fully cured. For the price of $5, with generous servings of prawns, and 3 prok-ribs, it is a real steal. Another grouse, is that the pork-ribs could be of a better grade. I think if they use a higher grade, the whole package would be tons better. I can’t make a proper judgment between the one at Potong Pasir or here because my senses are impaired, thus it would be unfair. So till then, I would say both are equally nice.

Before I forget, the prawns are sliced into half for you. So it would be easier for you to eat it? And they serve the noodle in a clay-pot! Not sure if they cooked in the same pot, but the waiting time is a hell lot faster than that at Potong Pasir. And the stall owner is friendly too. A plus point, when you are losing confident of the lousy service standards at hawker centers. At the lavender food centre, be sure to try out the lemon tea. It is home brewed and the you could taste the tea! It is like a double-shot type, with you being able to savor the nice flavor of the tea. It cost just $1.30

Not sure when they started operating. However, the drinks at City Square is still much better. The 烏龍奶蓋taste is a little bit different from what I’ve had at City Square.

Lemon Roasted Melon Tea with White Pearl Jelly cost $3

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