I hear, I see, I post: 2010-some of the more remarkable events

2010-some of the more remarkable events

  1. Worked in a government subsidiary

    Its quite fun to be working there! It is a little stressful, but the people there are quite fun to be with. And you thought workplace, especially in a government office is stressful. Well, you cant be more wrong than that!

  2. Received unexpected grades

    Life is full of "what ifs" and it would be stupid to keep thinking of it. And so, I'm not going to ask myself, what if I enroll in another diploma. Or what if I studied for my A levels. For starters, having fared badly for prelims(I still remembered I went to Raffles Place for SUSHI during a 3 hours break), I thought that I might at best have just 20 points. I fared badly, having 28 points for 4 subject. But who knows I improved 100% and had 14 points for 4 subjects for my A-levels. Life really knows how to make a fool of us. And I had unexpectedly passed science with a B3! With such a grade, I'm sure to be able to qualify for A-levels. But think of what I might have missed. Well, not a lot of things. JC education is infamous for having tons of over achievers, and people who are over suspicious, and dull and boring. Just not fun-loving. For the stress level, I think its about the same, with project work and GP.

  3. Had another DSLR

    A Canon 550D!!! With 50mm lens to boot. And stop wanting to borrow my camera. It's mine for Pete's sake!

  4. Proud to proclaim that I don't hate my nemesis anymore! And I did not have a nemesis in 2010!

    2009 was a fabulous year. With close friends, and backstabbers and well, enemies. In actual fact, there's more nemesis than friends. And that is what makes 2009 fabulous. With squabbling occurring almost every other hour. That is right. Every other hour!!! And not a day goes by, without me getting into an argument/fight with other people. Kind of weird, but in life, we must have a balance. And my arguments? Over some trivia matters, like fighting over who is better. And sometimes, it's the other party initiated it. AND ITS NOT MY FREAKING FAULT. Still found it to be quite funny and call me stupid or anything, but I missed 2009!!! 2010 breezed through because there is little or no fight with classmates.

  5. Spending New Year's eve with new people, proceeding with an unexpected night-time "gathering" with Alicia, Paul and their group of friends.

    Otherwise, new year's eve is to be spend at some people house. Brandon (2007,2008), my house, alone(2006). It sounded so pathetic, for I'm spending eves with people I know 100%, and that is usually during the afternoon. And at night, I'm usually sleeping. Why? The year's just another digit. Life still goes on, isn't it? This year, as unlike previous year, I'm spending this "special" eves with people whom I do not know very well. That's right. Till now, I still can't remember all of their friends name. And I'm meeting them again for Chinese New Year. But in all the name of fun, we do and sure had fun! Yup, 2010 ended with the word FUN and EXCITEMENT on what 2011 might hold.

  6. Met awesome people in my class???

    You know who you are. Self proclaim here. And not just classmates, but also ex-classmates. Members of the now defunct "The Academia 2008" are now back together! Not all, but most. Fed-up with a lot of people from there, but sure we have the great times, and that's what counts. Been in contact with only Paul and John. Whatever.

    Great to meet you all. :D

  7. Bought a Starbucks Card

    Isn't it great? Having a Starbuck card. And I'm now going to Starbucks every other day. 20 times within the past 1 month. Simply love their frap. There.

  8. Distributed Xmas presents to most of the class (not all due to budget constrain)

    Blamed it on Starbucks that I can't buy all. And I hope everyone like the Xmas presents!

  9. Having caught dengue fever, and thus is unable to watch YOG

    It is a pity, to be sick for 3 weeks, just before the exams. Well, life still goes on, doesn't it???

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