I hear, I see, I post: What a start to 2011

What a start to 2011

Twitter is really showing people's true colour. Its dead scary, when you thought that friend of yours is the least likely to bitch, and yet, there she is, bitching away about her work. Alright, talk about work ethnics, and that's clearly not a good one...

Perhaps I ought to be naive and disregard about such behavior, and not think too much about it? Since we weren't that close either and i knew personally that we have nothing upon us to base our friendship on. It's just there that we're in the same class. But all along i thought you're the least likely to BITCH...

Ok...be not too sensitive....is my new resolution. I shall not be sensitive...despite it being the period of the month...and thats early, if you ask me. Need to eat my drugs again(WHATEVER)


Another new 2011 thing of mine...and thats is something like to be thankful...
But instead, it is to know what is the one thing I'm looking forward to for that day, the reasons for me to live for that day. We can't believe in live life to the fullest crap...or stuffs like that. So, from tomorrow onwards, I'm going to know what is worth living for on that day when I wake up, and see if thats true. It might be a holiday, gathering, or just to see that 1 person you had always want to see.
Like today, I survive the day is because I wanted to try the Prawn Noodle at Pek Kio. Sounded stupid, but thats the thing that kept me going on for my life. Life for me is getting boring, and somehow, I know sooner or later, I'm going to ask what is my purpose in life, despite me having LONG-TERM plans...but i do not have any short term plans...

I'm going to start with tomorrow's....
and that is to:
1. Get to see some people whom I had not seen in 2 weeks.
2. To know that there's only 2 hours of lessons! Yippe!!1
3. Perhaps its going to Tiong Bahru to buy fruits? Its a tentative plan, depending on the situations
4. Basically, its the first day of the new term...so i'm now mind-fucking myself to be positive about it, though I'm now in the holiday mood.

Enjoy 2011! Life still goes on! And this year is still the same as the past. EMbrace life positively...and to those who don't give a crap about 2012, well, just say...we shall wait and see
So Long!

And i had found some photographs which i will upload within the week.

Now what I'm looking forward to for longer period:
1. Waiting for my Starbucks Tumbler design (its alright, take all the time you need)
2. To edit my photos and sent it for a competition
3. To decerate all the Starbucks Tissues! Will upload when done!
4. My AuSSIE trip in March (though i'm not looking forward to it at all)
5. 20 FEB!!!! HK friends are coming to SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!! Though only for 2 days
6. New Semester...for a new course!!!

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