I hear, I see, I post: Unexpected Surprise: Food court food!!!

Unexpected Surprise: Food court food!!!

Went to this "Food Republic". Think it is at 313@ Somerset. Chanced upon this shop selling HK Roast Duck. And it cost just $4.50!!! And its breast meat too! At my place, roast duck cost $4 for breast meat. So i think its quite a steal! And it is the first time in years i had stepped into a food court for lunch at Orchard. Because always whenever i am at orchard, I will step into cafes, or Starbucks or Coffee Bean....never food court. Just look at ION orchard...how expensive the price is.
this is the roasted duck!!! with a bowl of soup, and you cant see properly from here, but it includes vegetables. Quite worthy if you ask me.

Some of the nicest stuff at the food court.

For starters, the food is great. And i really love the food there. There is this feel like you are eating restuarant styled food. It have something to do with the taste. The chilli is nice, whith SHRIMP. Call me a sucker for SHRIMP chilli!!!!! And the sauce/gravy is nice too. You can't compare it with the market ones, since this is much nicer. But there is this taste where you are like in HK eating ROASTED DUCK RICE!!!
And there is this unique taste about the HK-styled duck rice found at HK...which some people might not like it. Can be improved like the meat not being so cold and the rice's texture. But overall, it is nice. Maybe due to my poor expectations of a $4.50 meal in a food court.
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