I hear, I see, I post: How people judge each other

How people judge each other

By:Blindfolded Boy (Not me of course)

There are a many ways people judge each other, but I am going to talk about a few less common ways here.

This essay’s opinion is expressed are my own.

Regardless of gender, this is a very common way of judging someone - which is by his or her looks. People will usually take someone good looking as they have a gut feel that they can work better and are probably better at most things than the not-so-good looking ones. In other words people will be ‘infatuated’ by their looks and not bother about their character, as we can see on how youths nowadays pick their sexual partners. These will potentially lead to short marriages, such as those of Christina Milian, who was only married to a music star The Dream for only less than a year, following reports on infidelity (xinmsn, 2011). Perhaps we humans should go back to basics, learn how to appreciate people as a whole, instead of their looks. This is how our world of superficiality has moulded the people.

With the dominance of the new media and the television today, people are now trained to receive information very quickly. This may be a good thing as people can learn to remember things faster. However, this cripples one’s ability to analyse, as the content just simply zooms past their eyes. They lack the ability to think deeper and think of why things happen. In other words, people will get impatient. Similarly, people judge each other without even thinking. You see, it is like a tangent – a touch-and-go affair. Sadly, this also happens in job interviews, where interviewers judge people by simply their looks. Yes, looks are important to a certain extent, but not at a person’s character and values. Of course, analysing for such traits may take a long time. Maybe it will take days, months, or even years. Humans may be complex, but most follow Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but, let us put aside psychology for a moment and make things even simpler.

This final point, which I am going to talk about, may be a rare case for most of the people. For myself, this is probably the strangest experience ever in my years of judging different people. Recently I went overseas with a group of 12. There was a girl who treats everyone well. In fact, for some reason, she stuck to me most of the time. I did not mind as I felt that we should have one another’s company, especially overseas. People are stronger in numbers and we can rely on each other for support. Being a member of the Adventure Club, I certainly know this very well. So we followed each other for a few days running, then suddenly it all changed. She went to follow another guy from another group. Well, I was ok with that but the strange thing was, she gave me the cold shoulder. I wondered why, and I could not think why. But before I move on, do not be mistaken that I was jealous, because I never liked her as a lover in the first place. I only had that adventurer’s instinct that people are stronger in numbers. This incident made me realise that some people are two-faced. Even back home, she ignored my simple ‘hi’. I was wondering why is she so cold to me. It was only another of her friends told me that I am ‘not suitable and good enough for her’. At this moment, I really did not know whether to be heartbroken, surprised or neutral. Despite that, I refused to let emotions rule my thoughts, because, the bottom-line is, I never liked her as a lover. The more bewildering thing is, why did she judge me as a lover before she judges me as a friend? Well, we will leave this question to her, as she is the one who only knows the answer. This was probably the deciding factor in deciding what kind of person she is: a two-faced prick – she treats others really well, except some of the other people, including me. In fact, I believe that to those people she treats well too, she may be wearing a ‘mask’ to curry favour from others. Well, I guess maybe I will meet such people in the world out there next time. Perhaps I can treat this experience as a person-judging lesson. Point is, a good friend comes before a lover, so please, to avoid harming potential relationships, start as friends first. There is no hurry.

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