I hear, I see, I post: 2011 Resolutions

2011 Resolutions

This is my whole new resolution for this year. And I'm certainly not going to break it. In the event I do, I'm going to punish myself?

  1. Be thankful for everything that had occurs everyday

    Certain stuffs just happens in life for a clause. Be it good or bad, it is still a learning point. So, I think its best to approach it in a positive manner. And that's not comparing your situation with other people, but to embrace it. It is not within our control and we can only comfort ourselves by trying hard to stay positive. When life makes a spot of us, we just let it be. So is meeting people with colourful human nature. Hypocrites especially…and the few who acts to be someone they aren't. and the backstabbers. Actually, I had not encountered one backstabbers in 2010, and so, I definitely hope to not meet one in 2011.

    And being thankful for being in existence.


  2. To not carry on living for the sake of you…that is not being control by others for their own benefits

    Dan Black's Yours…you get it?


    I don't wanna be yours no more
    Not yours no more
    Don't wanna be this where I just exist
    Can I have a little bit
    I don't wanna be yours no more
    Not yours no more
    Don't wanna be this where I just exist
    Can I have a little bit more


    Dan Black lyrics is the best in deplicting some of the emotional irrational mode of mine! Not being taken advantage for other's benefit is what one really want in life. You do not want people to be close to you for an agenda, don't you? Like so they could copy your work, borrow your lens, to be friends with you just for this semester because you're in the same class and by the new semester, when you are in different classes, he/she wont care 2 hoots about you anymore or worse, to get to know that beautiful friend of yours. And after their goals had been achieved, they just chuck you aside. That is not a freaking way to treat others.


  3. To use my planner

    Otherwise, why would I buy a freaking planner? Yup, just to show-off. "eh…I have a new planner which cost me $11.50" what a conversation starter, to put-off others. A major turn off if you ask me.


  4. To be much more sensitive to my words, and yet not be over sensitive

    I'm sensitive in the sense that I will be kinda paranoid over little things. Like I'm always mindful what others might think of me and blah blah and blah. And how I'm conscious on me not contributing to projects but still be "not giving a care" about it. And how to be much more sensitive, by not saying things like "Its not expensive if you ask me" and everything…something like unwanted comments and remark. That's how you'll get into a fight and argument with others. This makes others think you're a show-off. But then again, maybe its just me to be like this. I'm not trying to harm anyone. Trying to kick that bad habit of mind.

    Insensitive is like being over paranoid about who is bitching about me…to achieve an equilibrium would be perfect!


  5. Save enough money and plan my finances proper

    That meant cutting down on unnecessary expenses like Starbucks, TCC and shopping! Instead of dining at restaurant, how about the café which serves nice food at ¾ of the price. So instead of $18, it cost just less than $10! And the monthly bus-stamp of $52 is a MUST!!!!! And not go out if possible. Life will be boring…and no matter how I try to save money, somehow I'll still be short on cash. Gonna plan out one day


  6. Obtain better grades

    And that meant to start revising for accounting test…the test is in another 3 weeks! And also for the finals. So nervous that I'm gonna fail. I want to improve my GPA to a 3.0 or at least a 2.95 minimum.


  7. Stop talking to myself

    I don't know but I just love to talk to myself. Like how at Orchard Rd on Wednesday, I can talk to myself how crowded the place is and it is like having you talking to your other half. And bitching about each other. So its like an animated conversation between 3 people…or 3 friends arguing. So far, I had not been caught talking to myself, but it might be embarrassing if I'm caught, and if I let my mind wander, I'll still talk to myself without me knowing it. Strange isn't it?


  8. Take nicer photos!!!

    All photos except the UBIN and the VIVOCITY restaurant are taken by EOS 550D. Now with a 50mm lens, it's a time to take better pictures of food!!!

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