I hear, I see, I post: I’m so freaking want to be hospitalized

I’m so freaking want to be hospitalized

That's right!!! Loy's ward look so nice!!! At a posh hospital somewhere near a posh district in the city. With nice individual shower facilities and television, not forgetting the equipments! It looked nice and all that. It kind of resembled a five-star hotel. Now, that's what I'll die for…to stay in that type of hospital. Who cares about the bill anyway? I'm insured.

And I want to be hospitalized, so as to not attend all the boring tutorials and lectures. I'm still in holiday mood, and yup…no mood to do anything, I'm bad, but I have been pushing everything till the last minute. And if other people do not care, why should I care? Fed up mode right now, thanks to tons of people today.

Anyway, I'm supposed to visit Loy. He is going to be discharged soon! And in the end, I did not visit him. Never mind, everyone will understand it at the end of the day.

Hospitalized so as to not feel so pissed off. That's a first, since I'm feeling weird and irrational this few days. After looking through some old photographs taken last year, I just realized something. It is like a cycle. Where I meet a new person. After 2 weeks or so, we become quite close. And remained as close for about 3 weeks. Thereafter, in about another 1 week, we will not talk to each other anymore. And to the extend where we treat each other as strangers. Its quite strange, when I come to think of it. It is of little wonder why I kept telling people my relations with others are fragile. Because it is something like On-Off. Where I'll be meeting you every week for lunch/afternoon tea this month and I'll not even give you a call for the next 2 month. Thus far, the problem is fairly mutual, and that is both parties weren't in regular contact with each other. A perfect ending to all friendships? I don't know. But it seemed kind of stupid to start picking up the mobile and call friends whom you had not talked to in months. Or organizing a birthday party for them.

Lunch was quite unexpected. I was expecting to go IKEA…but a change of plans since everyone is not going there. Ended up with Joyce's awesome clique. Thanks for the company!!! Went to Long John Silver for lunch before going for ice cream. Which by the way is cheap and tasted nice. But do not expect it to be of some Hagen Daz quality. Its delicious!

Before 2011 arrived, we had all of our new year's resolution charted out. But then, had we broke some? And I had this dream of wanting to write a novel. Sounded stupid…and a waste of time. Especially since my English is so poor.

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