I hear, I see, I post: It’s a Monday, people

It’s a Monday, people

Monday. The start of the working week. And it's a relative slack day, with just 1 tutorial. But somehow, I just don't feel like attending. Because seeing his face is the last thing I ever need. And I caught a cold since last Tuesday, and I had yet to recover. Thus, I headed to the nearest polyclinic for MC!

I've never visit SingHealth polyclinics before. So it is an eye-opener for me. I've been to the AMK polyclinic countless times, which is under NHG. NHG is also the group that operates the TTSH. Coincidentally, the consultation charges at NHG is slightly higher. And the ambience in the 2 polyclinics really, are world aparts.

Tampines Polyclinic looked like an air-con old polyclinic. Think of the old Toa Payoh polyclinic. You would have a rough idea on how it looked like. With the old walls which had withstand the numerous years. Though they charged slightly cheaper, but the physical surroundings do speak a lot.

I felt like I'm doing a comparison between the 2 polyclinic.

At AMK, their system is one number for all queues. So, you take a number to register at the first level. You wait for a while, before you register. And at the registry, they will verify your name and address, before telling you which floor or room to go. Without issuing you with another number. This is the number to wait to consult the doctor too.

AMK polyclinic is like 100% air-con. Waiting rooms are air-con, registration is air-con too. The waiting times is not too bad, provided you arrived at like 7.30am to take a number. And you shall wait till 9.15am and it's time to take your medicine. Because, at AMK, there's lots of people. I sometimes wonder, how on Earth does Singaporeans get sick??? It's like within the whole morning session, you could have more than 100 patients. Walk-ins and we had not count those on appointment.

Back at Tampines, the waiting time is quite alright. I reached there at about 11am, and by 1.20pm, I'm done with everything. It is quite fast. I take a queue number for registration and they will issue you another number to consult the doctor.

However, the waiting times are long. So if you have chest pains, go to the A&E department immediately. Do not wait 2 hours at the polyclinic, else you might die!!!

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