I hear, I see, I post: Don't you hate it when you are...

Don't you hate it when you are...

1. Having stupid cravings and real stupid ones...which includes Cheesecakes from Singapore Poly...the one at Subway canteen. Stupid isn't it? And craving for some ice-cream at U.D.D.E.R.S!!! And craving for Scones! Cedele? But no craving for Starbucks! And now, I feel like having sushi, eversince i passed some from Standing Sushi Bar to her. Oh...the cravings is like making me crazy.

2. Stomach-ache from drinking too much.....milk tea. KOI, ESKIMO and GONG CHA!!! Photos to be uploaded later! tOMORROW, THAT IS if i remember

3. Last of everyone's priorities...and i'm being made used of unwillingly...delivering some stupid things (a pen from Parker, some T-shirts from G2000) to a friend from Raffles to Clementi. Never mind, since its a little bit on the way to her place.

4. The bus is so crowded, and you are blocking everyone's way. Because everyone is exiting the bus and you are not!!! And you are standing at the rear, not crowding at the exit!!! Its so freaking embarrassing and frustrated isn't it?

5.Had not done anything...and almost broke my resolutions...and life's in a mess and everything and anything on Earth seemed to be unrelated to me.

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