I hear, I see, I post: A day of Eskimo and Gong Cha

A day of Eskimo and Gong Cha

GONG CHA 烏龍奶蓋奶茶 with Eskimo 咖啡奶茶

ESKIMO and GONG CHA....Which is better???? And more value for money????

If you want something to be more of milky taste, but not too much of milk like KOI, then Eskimo is the one for you. But if you love it to be full of tea flavour, then Gong Cha is the one for you. In fact, I had the 烏龍奶茶 from Eskimo too, but i forgot to take a photo. :D
So, I still think the battle between of this 2 drink establishment is based on individual taste. 各有千秋 with their own unique selling point, which i had highlighted above. Before i forget, GONG CHA lowest sugar level is 30%, and Eskimo is 25%...so be aware of the extra Kcal differences. 2 teaspoon of sugar consist of 33 Kcal.

So, the GONG CHA one is a little bit weird on the first taste. The milk have a butter taste...and a little bit plain at the first slip. But it just get better and better in the subsequence slip. The quality of the 烏龍茶 is somewhat of the mid-tier types. I love to drink 烏龍茶 in the past before i change it to Earl Grey. However, for Eskimo, the 烏龍茶 taste is a bit common. Like the one you are served in those high class restuarant. With thick taste. Yummy, if you love the 烏龍茶 to be of "double shot", then go to ESKIMO.

And GONG CHA like do not have 咖啡奶茶...but i think KOI have. But after drinking KOI's iced coffee last year, I think i'm not willing to try any COFFEE-BASED product from KOI!!!!! The coffee is not even BLUE MOUNTAIN COFFEE!!!! SO WHY DO PEOPLE QUEUE FOR 30 odd MINUTES for their drink?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

More up laters....till then...Go and drink ESKIMO!!! There's one at Raffles Place, and another at Marina Bay Link Mall, and at DG exchange. And they have a new range of tea.
I'm not trying to say that ESKIMO is better than KOI or GONG CHA. But i'm just saying ESKIMO is akin to be somewhere in between KOI and GONG CHA. But i'm saying that GONG CHA is much better than KOI!!! You get me somewhere in between the lines. If you don't get it, try all 3 of their milk tea and you'll know what i'm saying. If you still don't get it, then....you are a loser. LOSER. Just kidding.
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