I hear, I see, I post: We are just friends

We are just friends

We are just friends. You and me…we're just fine. A million invisible lines. Up with winds, up with the sky, up with the fears, you knew that with you we are fine. Perfectly fine, like nobody business. You make me feel at ease with you. We don't neglect each other, we are just friends. FRIENDS whom connect well together. And one day, we will part our ways, but all I know that we had a great time whenever we are together and that is what counts. We are just fine. Because your eyes shine and light up the sky.

We are just friends. And I certainly hope to continue it to be so. For a long time. Friends forever. Whom pledge to be there for each other forever. Till death parts our FRIENDSHIP. Where we will take good care of each other no matter what ever happens. Friends whom we turned to each other, for better or worse.

However as much as I knew, it is not going to happen. Because we will leave each other life one day. So before that actually happens, why not try to create more of such happy memories? where we will cherish it forever, where it will stay for eternity. Seriously, we are just friends.

Whenever the sun falls, and dusk approaches, the sky would be the most beautiful of all. It is because of your light that you reflect. The light which you emitted is from your other half, the Sun. You and Sun are great for each other, whom light up my life. And if I remove you away from the Sun, I knew that my sky would be different, for it would be without light. Every 28 days comes a day where I know I will miss your presence. Every day, when dawn approaches, I knew for a fact that you have a Sun, which too, lights up my day. Albeit in a uncharming way. It is only you, the moon who is able to light up my sky in a romantic manner without being too much of an overkill. And who am i? I am the lamppost next to the pavement, running on solar power. So together, we can be considered as great friends.

I just hope to be with you two together. Till my solar cells are exhausted. And judging by the state things are, it will be a long time away…

I will be there together with you, no matter what happens. Like an eclipse.

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